This list of frequently asked questions is here to help you answer some questions you may have on how to play the game or about your account. If you have a question and you cannot find it in this list then please ask your question in the forum.
There are two ways to do this.
You can recruit a male family member who is free and at least 15 years old, or you can recruit a free samurai. The army will appear at your headquarters, or at the castle where the free samurai was recruited.
You cannot levy a new army at a castle that is already occupied by an army.
Go to the map (military view). Click on the army that you want to select. Select the army and return to the map.
Go to the map (military view). Press u, d, l, r, to move your selected army up, down, left or right. You may move your army horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally.
If this does not work, then your army may simply have insufficient movement points left.
Go to the map (military view). Move your army next to an enemy army. You can place your army horizontally or vertically next to an enemy army, but not diagonally. If you move to the grid where the enemy army is located, an attack cloud will appear. Now click on that attack cloud, to attack that army.
If this still does not work, then your army may simply have insufficient movement points left.
Go to the map (espionage view). Click on a grid. Press u, d, l, r, to move your selected ninja up, down, left or right.
If this does not work, then your ninja may not have enough movement points.
Move your army on a district that you want to defend. If you want to prevent conquest of your land, you will have to move your army on a district with a temple or castle.
Then you are Ronin. However if you have no land but also no armies, it is gameover. Please go to preferences and press the restart button. You will start anew with the same clan, but at a random location.
Gameover! Please go to preferences and press the restart button. You will start anew with the same clan, but at a random location.
You may file a request by email to the administrator. Requests may be denied by the administrator.
Send an email to the administrator (you can find it on the contact page). Provide some valid evidence that you are the holder of the account, and the administrator will send a reply containing the registered password.
Ah I see, the old "I have a brother" routine. Let me be clear and simple, the answer is no. Though exceptions may be made, if we are certain that there are really two persons who want to play the game. You need to file a request by email, to be whitelisted by the administrator. The administrator requires valid evidence to be able to ascertain whether you are indeed two persons.
A person who has the same IP as your computer, has already registered prior to your attempt, or your IP was blocked due to violations of the rules. If you feel to have been blocked for no valid purpose, then you may file a request to be whitelisted.
If you just started, then you should contact the administrator of the game and file a request for instant deletion. The administrator will then delete your account data, so you can register again and pick a clan you really want.
The same as the rules mentioned elsewhere on this website. In summary, you may not:
Spam, flame, post derogatory messages, post messages containing rascist remarks, or otherwise discrimate persons or groups, impersonate members of staff, harass or threaten players or members of staff, hold more than one account, evade bans, exploit bugs, hack, etcetera.
You break the rules, I delete your account! Simple eh?!
If you continue to break the rules, you will get banned!
Please read Technical Help located in Preferences before you ask for aid concerning any technical issues.
Is the page blue? If the answer to that question is yes, scroll down, silly. If the answer is no, and the page is black, but contains an error such as "No cookie detected", then your cookie has expired and you need to login again. If the answer is no, and the page is black, and the page contains no error, then your browser is not SVG capable, please read Technical Help located on the Preferences page for further details. You may have to download and install an SVG capable browser such as Firefox.
Your browser may lack the required plugin. Please read Technical Help located on the Preferences page for further details. Please try both options (asx or m3u), if both these options fail, proceed to download and install the required plugin or music player. If none of that works, then you're out of luck. Chrome is unable to play embedded playlists, you may have to switch to another browser if you wish to hear the music.